Thanksgiving Events Around the Chesapeake Region
November 21, 2019 – Helen Schlientz

Americans around the world will celebrate Thanksgiving, a day of spending time with friends and family, giving thanks, and eating. Additionally, many people will watch the Macy’s Day Parade, Thanksgiving football, and monitor Black Friday deals. Given all these happenings, Thanksgiving has all the essentials of being a perfect holiday.
The food on Thanksgiving is an ode to the chill in the weather. Turkey, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie are the favorites to serve at the dinner table since Thanksgiving is during a favorite cooking time of year. While working away in the kitchen in preparation, don’t forget to wear one of our classic aprons.
Celebrating Thanksgiving in the Chesapeake Bay Region is picturesque and historical and we celebrate with many events.
Turkey Runs/Jogs/Trots - Pre Thanksgiving Weekend
- Caroline County 2 mile Turkey Trot Fun Run, Walk, or Jog, Saturday Nov 23, 2019
- Lights on the Bay 5k and Fun Run, Annapolis 22, 2019
- Fort Meade Turkey Trot 5k and 1 Mile Walk, Fort Meade 23, 2019
- Festival of Lights Trot for a Turkey, Watkins Park, Upper Marlboro 23, 2019
- Cold Turkey 10K, Odenton, MD 24, 2019.
- Columbia Turkey Chase 10K and Relay, Columbia 24, 2019
Thanksgiving Day – Nov 28th
- Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot in Downtown Annapolis
- Y Turkey Trot Charity 5k – 7 Races in Central Maryland
- 2019 Blue Talon Bistro Turkey Trot - Williamsburg, VA
- Turkey Trek 5K at Pemberton
- Catonsville's 15th Annual CHS XC Turkey
- Tidewater Striders Turkey Trot 10K & Mile Virginia Beach, VA
- Laurel Advocacy & Referral Services Turkey Trot
- Bulle Rock Turkey Trot 5k
- SOME's (So Others Might Eat) 18th Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger: Washington, D.C.
- Annual Bethesda Turkey Chase Charity Run
- Fast Before the Feast 5K, Newport News, VA
Post Thanksgiving
- Jug Bay Sanctuary Post Turkey Trail 5k - 30
Montgomery County Turkey Burn-off - Nov. 30
- Frosty Fun Run Run, Columbia, 30, 2019
Thanksgiving Special Events
- Stuff The Bus for Toys for Tots - Dec 1st
- Baltimore’s Cranksgiving
Experience the Traditional Blessings of the Hounds and Horses
- · Festive Friday in downtown Cape Charles November 29th
- · "Foods & Feasts of Colonial Virginia" at Jamestown Settlement - Nov 28
- · Turkey Pardoning - Living Museum, Newport News, VA - Nov 27th
- · Presidential Turkey Pardon